Realization of the Job To Be Done website, a consulting firm dedicated to the recruitment of salespeople, managers, and commercial directors. Creation of an online recruitment platform.
Professionnel, Recrutement, Business, Dynamique
Design, Intégration web & mobile, Back office, API
Photoshop, Figma, HTML/CSS, JS, Sass, Php
The project
Creation of the Job To Be Done website
Create a professional and modern showcase to present the Job To Be Done activity, as well as an online recruitment platform
Site objective: to make Job To Be Done known and promote it to companies and candidates, display and classify job offers from companies, allow candidates to search for offers that fit their profile, and apply online.User experience: the site should address SMEs - dynamism, modernity, proximity - large institutions - corporate, professionalism, stability - as well as candidates - proximity, trust. The content should be clear and hierarchical, to allow different categories of users to find the information they are looking for. It should highlight the values conveyed by Job To Be Done.
Other services
Creation of a recruitment platform with manageable job offers, sending applications online, and managing applications from the admin panel.Creation of a custom blog and its administration tool to ensure technological watch and dynamism.Realization and retouching of videos and images,Development of a custom administration tool allowing to modify texts, images, news, and job offers.