Platform allowing users to find training courses and internships that meet their expectations and apply online.
Professionnel, Recrutement, Carrière, Dynamique
Design, Intégration web & mobile, Back office, API
Sketch, Figma, HTML/CSS, JS, Sass, Php
The project
Creation of the JPO-D platform
Mission :
To enable students to find the training and apprenticeship of their dreams in just a few clicks. Create a simple and effective orientation tool that allows you to find a suitable school or company remotely from a selection of institutions. Create a secure space for candidates and schools to simplify the application process.
Other services
Creation of an orientation questionnaire redirecting to a selection of establishments,Online job information and offers,Possibility to apply online,Possibility to create a profile to access a secure space and retrieve previous selections and applications,Administration tool for managing establishments, offers, applications, and questionnaires.